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Special UV technology is widely used (in HVAC, dentistry, even in hospitals) for various forms of disinfection.  UVC light is known to kill bacteria, fungi, and viruses.  There are robots used to sanitize an entire operating room or hospital room to prevent the spread of things like MRSA or E-coli in about 15 minutes.  This same technology can actually kill viruses much faster (as little as 10 seconds).  Devices on the market (which are mostly sold out nationwide) are designed for very large spaces, take too long, and do not provide a simple and easy solution for mask sanitization.

We have built a device using easy to obtain materials, including a toolbox and a UV-C light intended to clean aquariums. We have published plans on so that Makers around the world can build sanitation devices and get them to the medical professionals that need them.

Click here for an excellent NY Times article discussing the use of UV-C against COVID-19.

This technology is already being used, but the medical professionals have to write their name on the mask, exit the room and wait. Our solution will give many more medical professionals faster and easier access. Also, this is in only one hospital. We can make this happen in hundreds or thousands of hospitals with the help of enough Makers.



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